"Whatever elaborate, and grotesquely counter-intuitive, underpinnings there might be to familiar reality, it stubbornly continues to be familiar."
I am not fond of winter driving. [Understatement]
The fear that provokes white-knuckled cursing as one attempts to negotiate treacherous byways alongside one's fellow travelers can drive all thoughts of 5-dimensional physics out of one's mind. :) As one is consumed with thoughts of speed, mass, and traction and the loss thereof, expectations that other drivers will behave reasonably and perform a specific (sane) action can quickly turn against one, creating moments of escalating panic.
And so, before making the mandatory return voyage, I lectured myself. The lecture went a little something like this...
...Okay, driving on ice-covered roads is not an experience that is immune to the laws of 5-dimensional physics. (Anticipate. Visualize. Execute.) It is possible to choose the universe where the best of possible conditions prevails. (Anticipate. Visualize. Execute.) You can eliminate the outcomes you don't want. (Anticipate. Visualize. Execute.) You can layer frameworks of expectations to maximize safety...
Did it work? Well... there were fewer instances of immanent peril on the return trip. There was also less fear and a large decrease in the amount of cursing. ;)
And now I am free to obsess over the question of how I got to the universe where I have to engage in this particular form of battle with the elements...