"Believe me, I discarded the telekinesis myth long ago. I know I am choosing outcomes, not manipulating processes."
I'm in the process of developing a presentation. And I'm not above cannibalizing my previous work for said presentation. In doing so, I try to ask 'Is there a way I could have said this better?'.
For example, I could have said...
The most promising variable that is not currently accounted for in psi research is the ever-changing knowledge of the system in question. With each observation, expectations of future outcomes within that system are adjusted. If you accept that these varying states of expectation can have some effect on the outcomes that are selected, then it becomes necessary to control either 1) the input of information about the system, or 2) the expectations that can be generated about future observations, or both. (This was discussed a bit in Entangled Expectations.)
Think of motion through our 5th dimension just like you think of motion through time - it is constant; you can't escape it. Each new input of information in conscious awareness modifies the forces that contribute to the process of state selection for future outcomes. Only when you account for this shifting of expectations due to new information, can you begin to see the pattern of motion through Smearland.
...but then, I have a splitting headache right now, so perhaps this only makes sense to me