"It is a fearful thing to set out to determine truth for oneself."
Many years ago, when I was going through my first 'What the hell is this?!' phase of curiousity about psychic phenomena, a well-meaning person purchased the book The Psychic Grid by Dr. Beatrice Bruteau (1979) for me at a used book sale. While the book ended up having nothing to do with the ESP definition of 'psychic', it was nonetheless extremely eye-opening.
Today I was thinking about writing a short piece of fiction about what it might be like to be connected to other minds, in the telepathic, mind-web kind of way. When I thought about calling the piece The Psychic Grid, I decided it might be time to take another look at the book that I remembered as being so key in pushing me to study the mind. I pulled it out of the permanent collection, and began to flip through the pages. I was astonished that so many of the quotes I had underlined (in various colors of ink, for each of the times I had read that book) still had the same 'punch you in the gut with the profoundness of truth' quality that I remembered.
Even though it has nothing to do with synchronicity or probability, I still have to put this book on the 25 Best list.
"Confronting change and the unfamiliar is unsettling, but perfect settledness is death."
"Most new discoveries are suddenly-seen things that were always there."