"All at once, I think, it came to him that the lecturer must remain standing in the square on a rickety soapbox and speak at the top of his lungs, and be heckled by boobs... but the storyteller sits in cross-legged comfort in the shade, and his listeners crowd round to hear him whisper, offering beer for his sore throat. And when he is done, they give him money, without him even asking."
There have been a couple of times when I've thought of chucking it all and becoming a science fiction writer. Inspire the next generation in much the same way I was inspired.
Chris Roberson can say the following, and people eat it up. (Lucky him!)
"I found a way to escape, rising above the four-dimensional limitations of space and time to grow into a being of five dimensions, able to survive in and navigate the larger world beyond." - Chris Roberson, Here, There, & Everywhere, (2005), p. 272.
But I guess ultimately I still want the research project and collaborators and the chance to see where someone else can take this research. At least one person found a way to have both... (Read that last one twice and then do some googling.)