"How strange are the manuscripts, great traveler of the unknown. They appear separately, but seem as one to those who know that the colors of the rainbow become a single white light. How to find that single ray?"
I guess no one ever said this would be easy.
When I talk about this idea to anyone with a science background, I inevitably get some version of the following... Well, how does that fit with what (name)'s book/paper/theory says about consciousness/neuroscience/physics?
Quite frequently I can't answer that question because I haven't read said book/paper. I would probably be shooting myself in the foot to name all the 'significant' books and papers I haven't read. What I have read has been largely determined by the data I was looking at.
Nothing will get you to Smearland faster than paying attention to what is going on in your own mind. (Read that sentence again.)
The books and papers I have mentioned here will help you figure out to what you should be paying attention. They may give you the necessary jolt that changes your perspective just enough that you can begin to see what we are talking about. But that is all they will do. By themselves they will never convince you that anything we've discussed here is valid. Only data will do that, and rightly so.
"Do not accept what you hear by report, do not accept tradition, do not accept a statement because it is found in our books, nor because it is the saying of your teacher... Be ye lamps unto yourselves."