Eight-martini results: "results so good that your perception of reality is shattered and all you can do is go to a bar and drink eight martinis to regain your senses"
I should be pretty hard to shock by now. Trust me. I know how this works, so not too much should surprise me.
Today's training exercise was focused on operating within time constraints and overriding familiarity with the target environment. The target this time is a novel item - something with which I have had no previous experience or exposure. However, the target item must conform to certain predetermined criteria designed (in theory) to make it more difficult to locate.
Outcome: Target item located within the parameters of the training exercise. And while the target item conformed to the predetermined criteria, it also had few unexpected implications.
Target item: The 5th Dimension: Channels to a New Reality, by Sheila Petersen-Lowary. (Cover quote from Evan Harris Walker.)
Yeah, and when they say 'channels', they mean psychic spokesperson for 'spiritual entities'. It's hard enough to be taken seriously when all of quantum physics has been co-opted for ambiguous and ill-defined New Age 'truths', but if the concept of a 5th dimension falls...
Do you see now why I need a drink, or eight?