"It is not encumbent upon thee to complete the work, but neither are thou free to desist from it altogether."
What to tell you now...
Do you have what you need to understand and duplicate what brought me here?
I've tried to filter what I have and give you only the best and most relevant. I've tried to refrain from regressing into arguments about necessary precursor ideas. Plenty of people have written very credible and readable books on the existence of psi phenomena. Along the same lines, plenty of respected science professionals have expounded on the observer problem and its significance. I suppose I could work up and post a bibliography... The 25 Best Books and Papers to Read to Understand Smearland. ;) Hmmm...
"There is never an ending to the exploration of human potential and man's relationship to the cosmos, nor can any one person carry more than the slightest burden for opening new doors of understanding. On the course of my own adventure, I have used and been inspired by the ideas and insights of many great men and women throughout all of recorded human history. My hope in reporting my work is that in some small way - perhaps moving us a step or two further in our quest for understanding - I might have been able to help a little to illuminate the path for those willing to continue the exploration. Which of us will come up with the next 'right question'?"