(Lest you be tempted to dismiss this research as a quasi-spiritual search for truth/God/something really big...)
Imagine if you will... the door to a highly-sensitive research laboratory, and the lock on the door isn't any form of bioverification, but rather a series of flashing lights linked to a random trigger. To unlock the door you have to activate the window of opportunity and then 'find the universe' where the lights flash in a predetermined pattern. If you can successfully control the randomness and get the lights to flash in a predetermined pattern within the window of opportunity, you gain access to the lab.
Imagine if you will... a quadriplegic, trapped in an immobilized body with no way to interact with his environment. Prototype technology that attempts to convert EEG recordings of brainwaves into instructional signals exists, but it is unsightly and imprecise. What if an visual interface with a random feed existed, where specific output patterns could be translated into instructional signals? Control the randomness, and feed your instructions to the machine.
Why hasn't this technology been developed? The basic formula of random feed plus perceptual interface is already in use in psychokinesis experiments around the world... But it is commonly perceived that your ability to influence such a device is sporadic and unreliable. Hhhmm... perhaps then what is needed is a paradigm and a training plan that will enable a person to gain better control over his ability to influence a random system at will.
Think it can't be done? Think again...